The staff of Red Oak Elementary School returned to work today. We are busy prepping for the upcoming school year! Super excited to welcome back our students very soon!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Foster
staff in media center
Red Oak Baptist Church treated the staff to a welcome back breakfast. It was delicious! Thank you so much, we really appreciate it!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Foster
staff sitting at tables
Come join our conversations about ROE's new PTO group! See information attached!
over 1 year ago, Allison Williams
PTO meeting
Urgent: Deadline tomorrow to sign your up for a bus for your student! Click here,
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Foster
Student Transportation Request Graphic
Open House! We look forward to seeing you at our floating open house event!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Foster
Open House Graphic
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Foster
Back to School Guide graphic
📲 Stay connected with your child's school like never before! Download the Nash County Public Schools app today and have all the information you need at your fingertips. 📚✉️ #NCPSchools #ParentCommunication #engagement #nashcountypublicschools
over 1 year ago, Nash County Public Schools
photo of lady holding phone
Plenty of summer left to read! Click this link,
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Foster
Summer Reading Graphic
Welcome to Red Oak Elementary School! We are excited to add students from Swift Creek Elementary and Cedar Grove Elementary Schools to our campus this fall! The 2023-2024 school year is going to be amazing! There will be opportunities to make new friends and learn so many new things!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Foster
graphic, welcome to our school
See the link for our grand opening!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Foster
Grand Opening Graphic
​YMCA Back to School Bash, August 12th, 10am-Noon
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Foster
YMCA Back to School Bash graphic
See the following links for YMCA Before/After School Care.​ https://www.harrisonfamilyy.or...
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Foster
YMCA Before/After School graphic
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! We look forward to having you on campus and all of the great learning that will take place. Here is the link for school supply lists:
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Foster
Back 2 School graphic
Parent Teacher Organization Meeting: Tuesday, August 8th at 6:00 pm in the media center. Please consider coming to this meeting to join Mrs. Williams and other parents to develop our school's PTO.
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Foster
Parent Teacher Organization graphic
The construction crew is putting the finishing touches on the school! We will be ready for students soon!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Foster
Picture of saw with words "under construction"